(2022) Tomato Vinaigrette

With that one tomato, I’m going to try this Tomato Vinaigrette recipe from Emily Nunn of The Department of Salad. She adapted the recipe from “Williams-Sonoma Cooking at Home.” I’ve still got two red onions from past boxes, so I’ll put part of one to good use here.

(2022) Roasted Squash with Tahini and Herb Salad

Also in our box were three delicata squash and I’ve got a great recipe, appended below, for this lovely squash that doesn’t need peeling before you enjoy it – Roasted Delicata Squash with Tahini and Herb Salad from Martha Stewart Living about 5 years ago. Try the poblano pepper in this instead of the serrano. Won’t be as hot, but definitely flavorful.

(2022) Spaghetti Squash Slaw with Mint, Hazelnuts, and Pomegranate

I found this spaghetti squash slaw recipe at seriouseats.com. That’s what I’m doing with ours this week – but using chopped pecans instead of hazelnuts because the hazelnuts I had in the freezer went into baklava for a recipe we’re publishing in the AJC next week. I’ll probably skip the pomegranate seeds as it’s not really pomegranate season and I am never pleased with those packaged pomegranate seeds in the produce section.

(2022) Cornmeal Popovers

From Southern Living: “These light and fluffy cornmeal popovers are so good that we are wondering why we didn’t think to add cornmeal to our classic popover recipes sooner. Classic airy bread bites get a comforting and unique Southern makeover with the addition of readily available fine white cornmeal. Perfectly textured with a rich, flavorful consistency from the cornmeal, these dinner-roll alternatives will make you rethink those plain dinner rolls you’ve been serving for years and years.

“Test Kitchen Tip: The secret to perfect popovers lies in the temperature: You’ll need to spoon the batter into a hot muffin pan and immediately pop them into a hot oven. By preheating the oven with the muffin pan inside, you’ll achieve the perfect popover temperature. The rest is simple—with basic ingredients you already have in your pantry, like flour, milk, eggs, and butter, you can make these golden brown appetizer bites in less than thirty minutes.”

(2022) Tomato Cracker Salad

And while there’s no zucchini in our box this week, I’ve been wanting to try this zucchini tortilla recipe that Ali Stafford adapted from https://whiteonricecouple.com/zucchini-tortillas/. So I’m trying it with yellow squash.

Stafford says keep an eye on these while baking. If you bake them too long, the Parmesan will cook too much and cause the tortillas to become brittle.

(2022) Zucchini Tortillas

And while there’s no zucchini in our box this week, I’ve been wanting to try this zucchini tortilla recipe that Ali Stafford adapted from https://whiteonricecouple.com/zucchini-tortillas/. So I’m trying it with yellow squash.

Stafford says keep an eye on these while baking. If you bake them too long, the Parmesan will cook too much and cause the tortillas to become brittle.

(2022) Matthew Reeves’ Ratatouille

With so many peppers and that pretty eggplant, it’s time to make ratatouille. Down below is the recipe I’ve adapted from one provided by Matthew Reeves, who with his wife Maggie Reeves, hosts a drop-off for Riverview boxes. What I love is that there are almost no quantities given (just a size for one can of crushed tomatoes). Ratatouille really must have been created as a delicious way to use up summer vegetables and you can juggle quantities of ingredients to suit what you have… and what you like. We didn’t get zucchini this week (at least not in my box) but we got eggplant, yellow squash, lots of peppers, and garlic. You could use the red onion that we got today if you like, or maybe you have some yellow onions on hand. At our house, we’re not big rosemary fans, so we’re leaving that out.