(2022) Watermelon Slushies

from https://sarahcopeland.substack.com/. She includes about 2 tablespoons of collagen powder in her slushies. I have never tried collagen powder so I leave it to you to decide if that’s something you want to add. I can’t see that a slushy would need that.

(2022) Grits and Greens

I’m cooking for a friend who is unable to cook for himself right now. I want to make something a bit more stick-to-your-ribs and so I’m going to make the Grits and Greens (again, recipe below) adapted from the New York Times. Their original recipe called for quick-cooking grits but I have Riverview grits in the freezer, and for collards and Swiss chard. I’ll be using the kale and Swiss chard from this week’s box.

(2022) Celery Toasts

I think it’s a Riverview record … celery three weeks in a row. Wonder what made this a banner year for celery? I admit, it’s a lot of celery for us since there’s no one here who enjoys Ants on a Log the way I did as a kid – celery sticks filled with peanut butter and dotted with raisins. Wonder when I outgrew that?

So most of this bunch of celery will be chopped and frozen for dishing out when needed in recipes. I did that with the first bunch … and will just keep stocking up.

But I’m saving the inner stalks to make the celery toast (recipe down below) that was published in the New York Times.. Guess I’m on a toast kick …. like the cucumber-ricotta toasts from last week. That comes of having good sourdough bread in the house. (Yes, I’m using sourdough instead of white Pullman bread.) And if you’re not a blue cheese fan (although this is a classic combination like those celery sticks with blue cheese dressing people eat while chowing down on chicken wings), a good cream cheese will do, or I hear the ricotta sold by Gatherings at the Decatur Farmers Market is really delicious. Hope you have a green onion or two left over from last week.

(2022) Cucumber-Ricotta Sandwiches

Adapted from the New York Times. AThey suggest making your own ricotta – which is probably not in the cards for me so I will use some really good cream cheese or queso fresco. I’m finding sometimes cucumbers are bitter – so before you make this, cut a bit of peel and taste it. If it’s bitter, peel the cucumber before slicing.