Craig Richards of St. Cecilia demoed this recipe at the Peachtree Road Farmers Market. Love the combination of melon, cucumber and peppers.
(2017) Summer Bread Salad

Craig Richards of St. Cecilia demoed this recipe at the Peachtree Road Farmers Market. Love the combination of melon, cucumber and peppers.
You might not need this recipe with the first sweet, sweet cherry tomatoes of the season, but if you end up with a bounty of cherry tomatoes – this is a great way to use them up.
I cannot remember where I got this recipe but it’s delicious with goat cheese. Or over ice cream. Yes!
Pectin is sold with canning supplies in small Jello-size boxes with brand names like Sure-Jell, but also in store brands. I think Ball maybe is now also selling a small “bulk” container so you can just spoon out a teaspoon or so rather than using a whole box to make a batch of jams. Great for small batch preserving.