My other two ears of corn will be used for the Corn Polenta recipe below. A fresh version of a comfort food favorite from my childhood – creamed corn.
(2023) Fresh Corn Polenta

My other two ears of corn will be used for the Corn Polenta recipe below. A fresh version of a comfort food favorite from my childhood – creamed corn.
What’s easier to clean up after than a sheet pan meal? If you still have corn around, try this recipe from the New York Times Cooking trove.
Can’t resist also passing along this recipe that I ran into at This one makes use of dill, corn, cherry tomatoes from this week’s box. Maybe you also have green beans leftover, or tucked into the freezer. Bonus: you can bake it wrapped in foil packages on the grill. The combo with the coconut milk sounds divine.
I am tempted to just chop everything up and make a big salad with a little of everything in it – yes, raw corn, and YES, raw okra. And that will be dinner tonight. But eventually we’ll want something else, so I’ve got three ideas here – two from my go-to New York Times (cold noodles with tomatoes!) but one that was demonstrated at the Decatur Farmers Market. I have to say that I truly miss restaurant chef demos at local farmers markets. At once time that was a mainstay of the markets and always a source of creative inspiration … now they’re extremely rare, but the Community Farmers Market folks have local cooks who do demos most every week, and their recipes are perhaps a bit more practical and maybe easier to pull off.
So here’s the loosely written recipe for “summer skillet corn, with peppers, eggplant, tomato and za’atar” that was demonstrated at the Decatur Farmers Market. We don’t have eggplant in this week’s box, but you’ve got everything else and if there’s no za’atar at your house, just use whatever seasoning mix is on hand.
I am tempted to just chop everything up and make a big salad with a little of everything in it – yes, raw corn, and YES, raw okra. And that will be dinner tonight. But eventually we’ll want something else, so I’ve got three ideas here – two from my go-to New York Times (cold noodles with tomatoes!) but one that was demonstrated at the Decatur Farmers Market. I have to say that I truly miss restaurant chef demos at local farmers markets. At once time that was a mainstay of the markets and always a source of creative inspiration … now they’re extremely rare, but the Community Farmers Market folks have local cooks who do demos most every week, and their recipes are perhaps a bit more practical and maybe easier to pull off.
Adapted from a recipe from Taylor Mead of Better Off Fed, demonstrated at East Atlanta Village Farmers Market.
We ran bartaco’s grilled Mexican street corn recipe in the AJC earlier this month and it’s delicious. I don’t know where that recipe had been all my life. I’ve appended it down below.
This is also a recipe from the New York Times and totally adaptable for what is in this week’s box. You should swap out vegetables as you prefer. I’ve just been in the mood for Indian food, so this really appealed to me this week. We ran a recipe for Chicken Korma from Aroma Bistro in Roswell a week or two ago and testing that recipe just made me crave Indian spices.
I know I am fickle, but maybe fresh corn is my favorite CSA vegetable. We were late picking up our box yesterday and it was time for dinner so instead of sitting down to ponder recipe ideas and share them with you, I went right to the grill to cook that corn and make the Grilled Corn Salad from Bryan Furman of B’s Cracklin’ Barbecue. See the recipe below.
I consider the avocado optional and made mine without it. And I skipped the serrano and used one of the red peppers from the box. I have no idea what variety they are!
Here’s the corn recipe that’s on my list for the first time I’m ready to move past grilled corn. The original came from Better Homes and Gardens ages ago.