Really simple method for cooking up some grits.
1 cup grits 4 cups water Salt & pepper to taste
In medium saucepan, whisk grits into water until incorporated. Over medium-low heat, bring to simmer, whisking frequently to keep the grains from settling on the bottom of the pan.
Reduce heat to low. Continue to simmer, whisking occasionally to keep grits incorporated.
After 30 minutes, check for grains for doneness. Some people like grits a bit on the crunchy side. If that’s not you, continue to add water 1/2 cup at a time. Continue to simmer until the grains reach the consistency you like.
Salt & pepper to taste.
Optional: After grits are cooked, stir in any extras you like: 1 tablespoon butter, heavy cream, shredded cheese, roasted corn kernels, chili peppers, etc.