Watermelon Soda Float

Recipe Author: Conne Ward Cameron

This recipe is from Austin, Texas pastry chef Jessica Maher. Perfect way to beat the summer heat. Doctor up a little store bought frozen yogurt, make the easy soda (a lot like the preceding soup recipe) and you’ve got a perfect summer dessert.


Lime Frozen Yogurt: 1 pint store-bought vanilla frozen yogurt 1 1/2 tablespoons finely grated lime zest 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice Watermelon Soda: 1/2 medium watermelon, chilled 1/3 cup granulated sugar 1/3 cup water 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice Pinch of kosher salt 1 cup seltzer


Lime Frozen Yogurt:

Refrigerate the yogurt until it softens enough to be easily scooped. Move it to large bowl and add lime zest and juice, then mix just until combined. Return it to the same container and freeze.

Watermelon Soda:

Scoop out some of the melon into pretty balls and set aside. Chop up the rest of the watermelon to make 8 cups. Make a simple syrup by combining sugar and water and stirring until sugar dissolves.

In the jar of a blender, puree the melon until smooth. Strain the juice into a large pitcher and add the simple syrup, lime juice and salt. Cover and chill.

Arrange melon balls between glasses. Mix seltzer into watermelon soda and pour over melon balls. Add a scoop of lime yogurt and serve with a long spoon.